Saturday, August 30, 2008

Do you have water?

A few days ago, I had mentioned I was a little sick, and while at mass that same night, I began to feel pain in my throat. So I knew it was time to get some sleep and relax.

After mass, I went to the grocery store (Which I do mostly everyday in order for my food to be fresh, and well...It seems like everyone else does to!) Bought lots of tea, a very ugly mug of Roman that I needed FOR the tea, and then went to do something nice for myself and bought a cone of Fig gelato (I am definitely on a Fig-kick lately...I think my mom has rubbed off on me even though we are so far away from each other...) In any case, I went to bed very early that night, after drinking lots of fluids, etc. I woke up in the morning, and still not feeling one hundred percent, I took another nap. Needless to say, I woke up a few hours later, still feeling a little groggy, but headed to the kitchen for some juice. (This is where the story gets good, folks :)

So I am walking to the kitchen, and I see an older gentleman walking in front of me (Men are allowed to stay here too, but on a different floor) Mind you, I am still out of it, minding my own business. When he turns to me and says, 'You know, you have no water left in your vending machines. ' So because I was out of it, with my hair probably sticking up all over the place, in pajamas, I was like, ' Oh, no?' (Why I went along with it, I have no idea. ) And he said ' No. You know, it was very good water and a very good thing to have in the vending machines. If you have some more, and would like to put it in the vending machine, that would be a really good thing.' And so I said, 'Yea.'

First of all, there are a few questions I have pondered after this encounter;
A. Why did I allow this man to think I was somehow in charge of the vending machines, and able to fill them regularly? I don't know. But...
B. ...the better question is, how did he come to the conclusion that I, clearly looking like a 'sick and out-of-it' person was in charge of anything anyway? I certainly don't think he could have confused me with a sister, due to the fact that I was wearing a 'Hallmark Project Red' t-shirt and slippers. Or confused me with ANYONE that would be working there, for that matter.

So now when I see this gentleman, I hide. That is all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great Post lol. Thanks for the updates. I read them each day.

Love, Brian