Wednesday, August 20, 2008

On the way 'Frankfurt'...

It is ‘6:21 a.m.’ on the dot, ROMAN time (Shh... I am trying to convince my body that this is really true...Eastern standard time, huh? ;) and I am sitting on the plane close on my landing time, which will be in about 45 minutes, in Frankfurt, to then wait for my transfer to Rome. We did rather excellently on time, or at least I think so, due to the fact that this plane was supposed to land at 8:05. Who knows, maybe she said an hour and forty five minutes when I asked? Ahhhh...such is my understanding of things. We shall get there when we get there.

Surprisingly enough, I have gotten quite a bit of sleep (Mostly because I had three glasses of wine in order to calm down, but that’s irrelevant, right?), and so I predict that this is a much better situation than it would have been had I NOT done that. And while I maybe should be sleeping after ‘snack time’ (we’ll talk about that in a second) I just can’t help but look out to the clouds. I wiish you could all be here to see this. The sun is coming out, while my plane is flying over the clouds.It’s shining this strong reflection just north-east of the plane, where the sky looks like a giant lake of beautiful pure-rose colors. Some of that sunlight reflects less on surrounding clouds, so that the clouds actually have a cream color, which makes the sky look like a GIANT beach! It’s so incredible! Only, I wish beaches really DID look like that. Oh well. Maybe in Heaven. :)

So about snack time, and all OTHER food times. Let me just say that only on a European airline would they walk around continuously pouring you glasses of wine and giving you cheese...For free. Yes sir. Free. F-R-E-E, which, to us Americans, when traveling inside the states, all I can say is ‘Yea RIGHT!’. As my aunt Nelly would say,’En los aviones hoy en día, lo unico que te dan es la soba de todas las papitas que nadie se quiso comer en casa!’ Roughly translated into, ‘On planes now adays, all they give you is the crumpled potato chips no one wants to eat on land!’ Thus, I have made a very dutiful connection: ‘Lufthansa cares about YOU! ‘ (Nope, they are not paying me anything to advertise them.) Hooray for good plane experience!

But mostly, I have had a really kind man from Israel sitting next to me on this journey, which God bless him for tolerating me. I have a window seat and he, of course, the aisle, and well, some of us know how much fluid Rosie drinks and how many times she visits the ‘waushraum’ a day. Poor guy. That’s o.k. He’s too legitimate to quitamate :)

Due to the fact that the pilot is now talking to us about all sorts of things, in a language I can’t understand and that my college professor laughed at me everytime I tried to pronounce, I think I will get off here. That seems like the safest thing. Next stop: Frankfurt.

1 comment:

Mary Jane Hurley Brant said...


Well between the rose colored sky and the wine and being close to heaven, well, I guess it just doesn't get much better than that!