Friday, October 17, 2008

Why, HELLO there!

Wow! It’s been a while! ☺ Sending you so much love from Rome! (…And be-lated ‘Big Teresa’ Day blessings!)

All is quite a o.k. here on my part. In fact, if I haven’t been writing too much, it’s been mostly because I have been dedicating myself quite a bit to quiet. Discovering new, little places of Rome, that are in fact reminiscent of home. (It makes me so happy to know that there IS green here!)

BUT, there are many more updates to come, (I promise…)

I love you all. And as always, though I don’t have to tell you because I know that you know, you are all in my prayers. ☺ I leave you all a thought from St. John of the Cross…

“Don’t put your happiness and your delight in that which you can undersatnd or feel of God in prayer, but rahter in that which you can not understand, nor feel…God is always hidden in secret, difficult to find. Continue to serve Him, even if He is hidden in that secret, despite that you try to find Him, try to feel Him, try to understand Him. The less you understand, the closer you will be to Him.’

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