In lieu of all the stuff that has been going on, I don't know how, but in this country I am somehow capable of just relaxing. (Probably because that's all everyone does here so I am going with the flow...) Mostly, with friends I have met and girls I continue to meet that live in the house, literally from different parts of the world. I have met a girl from Iran, two from Mexico, another from Colombia, one from Argentina, etc. So it's a pretty cool cultural mix!
Last night, after saying the rosary together, a few of us sat out on the 'veranda' (O.k. so it's not REALLY a veranda...Veranda just sounds a lot better than porch...) and talked about different stories referring to two totally different cultures meeting up and how hysterical it can be. For example, one girl was talking about the time she spent in England studying English, and how she was only capable of speaking perfect English after two and a half glasses + of wine, which is probably how she helped her friend's dad who came to visit while they were in England, and he didn't know how to ask for change, follow directions, etc. but everytime they entered a bar was capable of saying 'A beer, please.' (Hysterical.) In particular, this story is what got me.
In Italy, they have a word they say quite often, which isn't even a word as much as it is a sound: Boh. Kind of like the word 'bow' meets the word 'bah' like in 'Bah-Humbug!' (Really strange..) Well my roommate is from the south of Italy and she says this word all the time, mostly when I ask her a question and she doesn't have an answer. But I would think to myself 'What the heck does 'BOH' mean? ' Like, picture the scenario: You are inquiring a question, for example 'Where is the pencil?' and the person, instead of saying 'I don't know.' says 'Boh.' (You totally get it now. right?) I finally figured out after a little bit that it means 'I dunno.' In our little group yesterday this girl who had studied in England talked about how she took Italy to England with her, and used the expression 'Boh.' all the time...And so one day, her English friend asked her ( And this is the way she recounts it...) 'What's mean 'Boh'?' ...Well, at least I'm not the only one who didn't know...
There has been a lot of praying going on together, lots of meditation, at the house, which has totally helped me so much focus on what's important and continue to put faith in God. Thus, I can say that all is o.k. here from my point. Just awaiting Carrie's arrival and visiting St. Paul once again this evening.
All with me here, in my prayers.
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