Before anything, sorry for the lack of writing lately, guys! (I have been rather busy attending a mission this week called 'Gesu nel Centro', a SPECTACULAR evangelization mission, sponsored by the Diocese of Rome, by the youth, for the youth. It has been such a blessing to see so many young people take a part in this mission, which clearly brings so many back to the church every year. Perhaps this is a potential mission for the United States as well...?)
Tomorrow, I leave for Florence with two of my friends from 'Casa Famiglia' (the house where I live with the Benedictine Sisters) Maria José, from Mexico, and Elisabeth, from Belgium. This is our mini trip and our chance to see Florence, which is apparently very picturesque in the its changing of seasons. But of course, all has to have a reason in my book :)...SO, I will take the time to visit two orders while I am there. I will visit the Monastic Fraternity of Jerusalem (Fraternita Monastiche di Gerusalemme) in Florence and also Loppiano, the first citadella of the Focolare movement. Two VERY different orders, but with characteristics and charisms that I feel are very close to my heart. Methinks I will have a lot to say when I return.
Because I will be away for a few days, you will be hearing from me next this upcoming Monday. You are all in my prayers and I LOVE you all
In advance, happy feast day of our beloved Saint Therese.
On her death bed : 'I am not dying...I am merely entering into life.' -St. Therese of Lisieux
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