You know, thank goodness I have lots of personality because if not…who KNOWS what the Sisters would think of me. Saturday marked a month of my being here with the Benedictine Sisters, and if all the things I have managed to do in a month haven’t made them think I am crazy, than I figure I am in good shape. ☺
First, for all of you to understand the intensity of why they might think I am little abnormal, I will go down a checklist of things that have happened:
1. My first few nights here, I sat down on the bed, and ‘BOOM!’, it fell to the ground. Now, you can just imagine that one can’t you? And of course, the next morning when it was my job to tell the sisters, ‘Excuse me, but my bed broke.’ and then of course one of them coming to see and asking me with a very puzzled look, ‘What did you do???’ Truthfully, nothing! After observing the bed, I realized that it had been fixed more than one time.
2. I was sitting in the dining room, and went to sit back in my chair a little bit, and again, no surprise, I broke the back of the chair. How does one break the back of a chair, you ask? This one, I wish I could answer, and simply, I can not.
3. Last Sunday, I ‘lost’ my keys. Because I didn’t realize I had left them in my friend’s room, I was sure that I had locked them in my new closet. So, very reluctantly, but realizing there was no way around it, I go up to the front desk to ask one of the sisters at 8:30 a.m. for help. What’s the first thing she asks? ‘Well Rocio, what have you done now so early in the morning?’ She, telling me they lost the replacement key for the closet, manages a way to get the closet open a little bit ONLY to realize that the keys are NOT in the closet. Incredible. Again, they were in my friends room.
4. This morning, because I have been sick and because I usually cover myself with water when I wash clothes by hand, I decided I would use the washing machine. This is something I usually refrain from because each load is 3.50 euro. BUT I didn’t want to risk getting sick again, and because I hadn’t washed things in a while, the piles of clothes had really accumulated (towels, p.j.’s, etc.) SO, I walked upstairs to where there are two washing machines. One of the washing machines was occupied, so I decided I would use the other ones. All was going peachy until one of the sisters began to yell at me. ‘Why?’, you ask? Well because I was, as expected, using the sister’s PRIVATE washing machine which needs a lot of clothing in it or it will break due to its industrial size. I explained to them that the day I arrived and was shown everything I was really overwhelmed and perhaps didn’t understand correctly…Well, DEFINITELY didn’t understand correctly.
And I am sure I can add lots of other things to list, but ‘PHEW!’, so many times of having to explain myself. Trying to tell them I am a highly sensitive person, absent-minded type seven, ENTP, who gets overwhelmed when someone mentions the word ‘caffeine’. All just so in ends they look at me and think, ‘Child, where did you come from?’ And by the same token, I know they love me.
If there is one thing I find incredible about certain people is how, besides your absent mind, your inability to care about things of this world, your idea that ‘Everything that’s mine is yours and everything that’s yours is mine!’, they can still care about you enough to know that underneath all of those things, there are parts of you that are golden, and therefore mean so much more than any kind of ‘mistake’ you may commit, merely because, you can’t understand being any way else. (*How do you fix a problem like, Rocio…*) Likewise, while it is hard for me to accept failing, being disliked for even one second, having a ‘bad reputation’: These Sisters have a house to run!!!
And so, thanking God that at least He doesn’t take my clearly unworldly actions into consideration (Or, at least, I sure hope not!), I realize that I am in ways different from people, in ways not. But, at the end of the day, I wouldn’t say that I would want to give up anything about myself, especially now, to try and triumph in other things, for at that point, I would risk letting go of all the blessings I HAVE been given. And likewise, no one else should change their own personal blessings, because it is in the differences that we can learn to be Christians and appreciate each other, working as a unit.
I leave with a passage from a book I have been reading that has so served for my own personal reflections, in hopes that perhaps it may do the same for you:
‘Accept that even at your best time, as a human being, you instinctively tend
towards sin. With a clear light, realize that the bottom of your heart is ego-centric,
selfish, jealous, aggressive, avid, and that the devil, who accosts your brothers and
sisters and works in the darkness, works heavily through these things in order to
devour you.
To open yourself to love, you must continuously get tired of the power of
non-love. Without this newfound humility and conversion, you will never be able
to truly love.
How much more you learn to love your brothers and sisters, is how much more
you will learn to love and accept yourself.
If things are unified, they will be unifying; if calm; calming. Love yourself with
humility and pride, with the love that which God Himself loves you. In turn, with
this as your foundation, love your brothers and sisters as you love and accept
yourself. ‘
‘Monaci Nelle Città: Libro di Vita’ – Fraternità Monastiche di Gerusalemme
And as always, you are in my prayers. I love you all.